Thursday 2 April 2015

The Nighlife; Las Vegas by Travis Luedke

The Nightlife Series is violent, sexy, and occasionally violently sexy.
Vampires, Aaron Pilan and his master Michelle, live by one rule – no blood slaves. EVER. Aaron breaks that rule when he meets Anastasia.

All Anastasia wants is to be loved and cherished, but the predatory men she’s attracted to bring her only pain and abuse. Escaping one train-wreck relationship for another, she finds happiness with Aaron and Michelle as a vampire’s blood slave, their pet.

When Aaron, a powerful telepath, wins too much money at the gambling tables, he attracts the deadly attention of the Colombian Cartel, and the vampires become targets. But Las Vegas isn't ready for this deadly pair of vampires mixing up heroin, sex and vengeance.

Poor Anastasia is trapped in the spiralling chaos.

Strap in for a white-knuckle ride of hot ménage-a-trois love, jello wrestling vampires, and the insane Vegas underworld of drugs and exotic dancers.


Aaron and Michelle have moved on to Las Vegas leaving behind the deaths of the two detectives in New York, they had decided to keep a low profile, but knowing the author this was never going to happen. They are staying at the Ceaser’s Palace hotel and Aaron is wining heavily at the poker tables using his telepathic powers, resulting in him coming to the notice of a local under world boss. As we read through the book, Travis brings to life the seedier side of Las Vegas and the men who run it. They are rich, powerful men who tread on any one who gets in their way, and the lengths they will go to, to achieve their goals is unlimited.

When Aaron is on the prowl for food, he comes across a local girl called Anastasia who is sensitive to his telepathic power and he’s immediately drawn to her with a need to possess and care for her. Aaron knows the rules but he can’t help but make her is blood slave and the trio begin their rollercoaster ride through the Vegas nightlife. The addition of Anastasia into their world opens up a completely new angle to the vampire’s lives. Anastasia is needy, regularly abused in the past, yet she finds love and comfort with the two biggest predators to enter her life.

One thing I loved was the thought of vampires high as a kite on drugs, I’ve never come across this in other books I’ve read and the fallout from it really added a great twist to the tale. Michelle high on drugs turns her into a rampant oversexed vampire who had no limits to her desires and the poor powerful men who thought they could own her and use her for their own needs where in for a huge shock. The highlight of the book for me happened when Michelle fought a jello (or jelly for those in the UK)infused wrestling match, the thoughts of a nude wrestling vampire in a jelly filled ring certainly had my imagination going!! Travis had me swept away with all the blood, sex, and violence!

This book takes advantage of all the depravity and corruption available in Vegas where excess is king. There’s gambling, designer shopping sprees, strippers, and copious amounts of drugs, all of which Aaron and Michelle take advantage of along with their pet Anastasia. This book certainly takes you on a great ride as the story unfolds until the bitter end which leaves Aaron devastated but I’ll not say how as I don’t want to spoil the book.

This second book allows the characters to grow and develop, and allows the reader see how they relate to others and their surroundings. An example of this is how they move around feeding off the humans, without anyone noticing what they are doing. The author does a great job of showcasing his skill and understanding of what it takes to write great suspenseful paranormal erotic literature. One thing I will say is that if you don’t like erotic sex and violence in the books you read, then this book/series isn’t for you. But In my opinion the sex and violence etc. isn’t gratuitous and it does add depth to story line and certainly brings across the excesses of Las Vegas. Don’t let it put you off reading the books, it certainly hasn’t done that to me, I’m definitely hooked on the series and will certainly be reading all the books up to the current one.

What can I say other than a great book, loved it and would highly recommend it to others!

I rate this book

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